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Eric Katz

Senior Correspondent

Eric Katz
Eric Katz writes about federal agency operations and management. His deep coverage of Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Postal Service has earned him frequent guest spots on national radio and television news programs. Eric joined Government Executive in the summer of 2012 and previously worked for The Financial Times. He is a graduate of The George Washington University.

Senate passes debt deal, agency spending freeze bill headed to Biden's desk

Bipartisan leaders pledge to pass fiscal 2024 funding bills to avoid a sequestration next year.


Debt limit deal would save feds' paychecks, but freeze agency spending

The agreement also reduces shutdown threats, plus other takeaways for federal employees.


Debt ceiling furloughs are unconstitutional, union will argue before court next week

The lawsuit seeks to force the Biden administration to take unilateral action to avoid a default.


IRS watchdog seeks crackdown on feds who owe back taxes

While civil servants overwhelmingly pay their taxes, the delinquency rate has ticked up for several years.


New ranking member could shake up a key Senate oversight committee

The libertarian-leaning Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has often butted heads with his own party and the opposing one, denounced federal spending and questioned agency authorities.


House Republicans are looking to cut agencies or specific feds' pay by reviving the 'Holman Rule'

The new Congress already has its eyes set on slashing funding at some agencies, and eliminating others altogether.


House approves omnibus spending bill, funding agencies through September

After significant delay and compromise, Congress has finally set spending levels across government for fiscal 2023.


Lawmakers announce bipartisan breakthrough on full-year omnibus spending bill

Several hurdles still remain before the deal is done, including actually writing the funding measures.


Congress preps 1-week stopgap bill as lawmakers announce progress toward full-year funding deal

Agencies face a Friday night shutdown threat, though lawmakers are looking to punt that to just before Christmas.


Biden taps federal management guru to lead IRS

Nominee previously led the tax agency and has ideas on implementing its unprecedented cash infusion.


Two Democrats spell out exactly how they want agencies to improve services

A pair of House lawmakers wants agencies to allow Americans to spend less time on the phone and filling out paperwork when dealing with government.


House passes 10-week spending bill, averting the threat of a government shutdown for now

The measure now heads to Biden's desk, who is expected to sign it before the midnight deadline.


Senate reaches a deal to avoid a shutdown, punts threat for 10 weeks

Lawmakers agree to drop controversial provisions, set up new deadline for lame duck Congress.


Federal agencies are ignoring most building safety concerns flagged by DHS

Lawmakers raise concerns about the non-compliance in light of the recent uptick in threats against feds.


Lawmakers are setting a tight schedule to avoid a government shutdown

Senate Democrats plan to unveil a bill Wednesday, but will hold off on a vote in an effort to rally support for it.